
Op deze pagina houden wij u op de hoogte van producten die vanwege een fout worden teruggeroepen door de leverancier.​

Edelrid Cable comfort tri (december 2024)

Vaude Trailmulti (voorjaar 2023)

The mountain sports and cycling equipment supplier VAUDE announces the voluntary product recall from retailers for the following articles: 14298 Trailmulti Pannier  & 15958 Trailmulti II Pannier

We had to realise that in case of an unfortunate interaction of fork geometry, dirt on the suspension forks and loading situation, an accident risk cannot be excluded. Therefore, we have decided to voluntarily recall these products.

On the back of the bag there are three adjustable straps with which the bag can be attached to the

The bag can be attached to the fork of the front wheel on the right or left.

A maximum load of 2.0 kg is specified in the instructions for use.

The instructions for use and the product itself contain information that the bag is only suitable for certain types of bicycle forks and how the bag should be mounted on the forks.

We have now received accident reports from customers where the bag has twisted in the spokes of the front wheel, resulting in a fall and the customers sustaining injuries. We have received photos from customers, which show that in at least one case a cylindrical suspension fork was used, which complies with the specifications according to our instructions for use, hence this decision in favour of the safety of our customers.

VAUDE vouches for the quality and safety of all its products, this also includes testing the products on a long-term test bench and in actual use. Here, the scenarios that are now present had not shown up. VAUDE is aware of its special duty of care. In order to exclude any risk for users, we as the manufacturer are therefore recalling the above-mentioned articles as a precautionary measure.

Optimus Gemini (04/10/2022)

Via deze weg maken wij u attent op de terugroepactie van de Optimus Gemini gasbrander (productcode OPT8020872).

Het is helaas gebleken dat de Gemini gasbrander een fout kan bevatten die zich tijdens het gebruik op enig moment kan uiten in het veroorzaken van een lekkage aan de achterzijde van de brander. Na (vooralsnog) een relatief klein aantal meldingen hiervan  - en gelukkig zonder persoonlijke ongelukken - is besloten om uit voorzorg alle Optimus Gemini branders terug te halen.

Meer details kunt u lezen in de Nederlandstalige uitleg op de website https://www.robijns.nl/terugroepactie-optimus-gemini/ en via deze link naar aanleiding van de officiële aankondiging door de fabrikant  –  Katadyn Group Switzerland. 

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